Saturday, May 10, 2008

'We are going to tell you about global warming … you horrible people'

Propaganda-driven kids attack think tank

Students at a California public school have written a series of letters to Chicago's Heartland Institute, which works to discover and develop free-market solutions to society's problems, attacking its members for "destroying our planet" by refusing to endorse the politics of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" film.

According to students in the sixth-grade class of teacher Michael Steria at David A. Brown Middle School, the institute consists of "fools" and "horrible people."

"I think your (sic) fools for denying G.W. you know it could kill us all & you're just adding to it. I want you to help stop G.W. not increase it," said one letter.

"We are going to tell you about global warming. I don't care if you don't want to read, but I'm making you read it you horrible people," said another.

Officials at the school, a part of the Lake Elsinore School District, declined to respond to WND requests for a comment. Officials at the district office also declined to respond.

But Maureen Martin, a senior fellow for legal affairs for the institute, told WND that it was heart-breaking to see the results of such indoctrination of students.

"It's tragic," she said. "The kids were terrified."

She said some of the students expressed their belief they would be dead in 10 years.

The district's allowance of such teachings is "shameful, especially when there's a divide in the scientific opinion," she said.

She said the lessons reflected probably don't even meet the requirements of the state's educational guidelines, which for sixth graders demand lessons in earth sciences and the scientific methods of examining data. (continued below)

The nine letters, apparently written by about 25 students (teamwork, you know…) reveal the students were all quite expert on the subject, having read "10 articles" on the effects of air pollution on fetuses, natural disasters quadrupling in the past 10 years, and "Global Warming Denier Group Funded by Big Oil Hosting Climate Change Denial Conference."

The letters collected here were sent to us by Michael Steria, an earth science teacher at David A. Brown Middle School.

> Download copies of the letters (pdf)

Among the students' other comments:

* "We feel that it is wrong what you are doing. We know that you know that global warming is NOT we repeat NOT a myth, And we think it is selfish that you would take money over yours and your peers lives."

* "We feel upset because you are making Global Warming worse instead of helping it. We know that almost half of the country knows that G.W. is a crisis. We know that you could help the environment with the $800,000 you have."

* "We feel that they are destroying our planet by saying G.W. is not a crisis. You think GW is not a crisis but it is; you know deep down that it's a real thing that's happening. Everyone has a part in helping GW, and you're making worse."

* "I do not think that what you are doing is right because you are telling people that global warming is not a crisis. If this is not a crisis, how come floods have occurred in asia, Mexico, and India. Plus, how can you explain why the glacier glaciers are melting. they can't melt themselves, because they are in the coldest region in the world."

The rest of the article here:

Propaganda-driven kids attack think tank

Disband the public education system. It is bloated, inefficient, corrupt and politicized.

Terminate NEA and Teachers Crime Syndicate. They are the Democrat Party string puppet and the only reason for its existence is to benefit its own leaders and the Democrat politicians they support at the detriment of our children.

Terminate the college professor tenure system. 60's and '70s Marxist radicals like Ayers or Churchill propped each other in overpaid lifetime jobs and are continuing to indoctrinate our youth to hate America, capitalism and the spirit of freedom and self reliance this country was founded upon.

Will any American President have the courage and the political support to save this country from being destroyed by the liberal termites in the educational system?

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